Welcoming in the New Year...
Welcome back from the Holidays. I’m hoping yours were as magical as ours. “Magical.” Indeed, “mysterious” is perhaps the better term. We were chock-a-block with the mysterious magic of the holidays. To wit:
1. The first holiday mystery: How did The New York Times’ newspaper carrier manage to get the holiday card to my front door (with the attendant self-addressed envelope to ease the process of tipping) two hours before he got the paper there on December 11?
2. The second mystery of Christmas: How can Verizon relentlessly claim superior service when T-Mobile actually delivers it? My daughter has a Verizon account and mine is T-Mobile. Thus we are a petri dish of comparison experiments. T-Mobile people are somehow able to respond as intelligent human beings (v. scripted nincompoops) when I want to order a new iPhone or set-up the ability to talk and text from Europe. I’ll take three bars vs. four any day, if you don’t make me call you six times for one transaction. Whoever is in charge of T-Mobile customer service people: You are a giant among pigmies.
3. And, the third mystery of the holidays: Is Weight Watchers really going to try to try to see if the “Oprah incantation” works on Main Street the way it’s worked on Wall Street? Crazy people. Just saying, “We’ve got Oprah” was enough to goose the stock price, but do we really think it’s sufficient to gain traction with the New Year’s newly resolved?